
Romance within Arabian Nights is measured in terms of old-fashioned chivalry (think knights and nobility). There is a focus on values such as courage, dignity, generosity, forgiveness, justice, and freedom.

Romance in Arabian Nights can be represented by descriptions of physical attributes, hospitality, adventures, relationships among the court of a king, supernatural elements, and progress or failure of love relationships.

An example of this kind of romance can be found in The Story of the Two Viziers. Badr al-Din and Sit al-Husn are both names that have meanings of beauty, and they are described as very beautiful characters. The demons that bring them together contribute to the supernatural aspect, and fate eventually brings them together again, resulting in a happy ending for them.

Romance can be found elsewhere in the Nights, but it is important to remember that it is different from the typical modern, Western view of romance.

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