The Second Old Man’s Tale

Notable Characters

  • The old man
  • His two brothers
  • His wife, the she-demon

Plot Summary

The second old man had two brother who were very envious of him. He was smart with his money and they were not. One day, when they were traveling together, the man met a woman and married her.

Envious of the man, his brothers threw him and his wife overboard into the sea. His wife turned into a she-demon, and she carried him to shore. She planned to kill his brothers for harming them, but the man talked her down from that, so she only turned them into dogs, which are with him as he tells his story to the demon.

He was told to wait for ten years, and then the spell could be lifted from his brothers. He was on his way to do that when he came across the merchant and waited to see what would happen with the demon.

The demon finds this story amazing, and he grants one third of the merchant’s life to the second old man in exchange for this tale.