The Second Voyage of Sindbad

Notable Characters

  • Sindbad
  • The merchants
  • The Rukh bird
  • The eagle

Plot Summary

Sindbad forgot how horrible his first voyage was, and he desired to go on another one. He joined another ship full of merchants, but when they stopped on an island, Sindbad separated himself from the others and fell asleep. When he woke up, everyone was gone and the ship had left without him.

He made a plan to get himself off the island by attaching himself to a giant Rukh bird, which flew to a place where there was a large valley of diamonds. Sindbad walked through that valley until he saw a slab of meat and remembered that merchants drop meat into the valley to get diamonds stuck to them, then the merchants chase away the bird that picks up the meat and flies it to the crest of the valley.

Sindbad collected many diamonds and attached himself to a large slab of meat. When an eagle picked up the meat, Sindbad hitched a ride to the top of the valley, where he met the merchant who was waiting. He offered the diamonds he had collected in return for finding a way back home.

When Sindbad returned home, he reunited with friends and family, lived very well, and forgot all about his sufferings from his second voyage.