The Tale of the Envious and the Envied

Notable Characters

  • The man who is envied
  • The man who is envious
  • A group of demons
  • The king

Plot Summary

Two men lived next to each other in a city. One man envied the other and wanted to hurt him. One day, the envious tricked the envied into going for a walk with him. The envious pushed the envied into a well, thinking he had killed him.

The envied survived the fall and overheard a conversation between some demons. They talked about the king whose daughter was possessed by a demon, and they also talked about the cure, which involved plucking seven white hairs from the local cat and burning them so the smoke will fumigate the princess.

The envied man climbed out of the well and greeted the king when he arrived. He told the king that he knew the reason for his visit and the cure to his daughter’s possession. The envied man cured the king’s daughter, and the king was very happy. He married the envied man to the princess and made him vizier and then king when he died.

One day, the envied man was riding with some of his men, and he came across the envious man. The envied man, now king, gifted money and goods to the envious man, as well as an escort back to town. He never punished him for his envy.