The Tale of the Second Lady, the Flogged One

Notable Characters

  • The second lady
  • The old woman
  • The young man
  • The shopkeeper

Plot Summary

The second lady married young, and she was married to a very rich man. When he died, he left all his money to her, so she lived very comfortably. One day, an old woman tricked her by asking her to attend the wedding of her daughter.

When the lady showed up for the wedding, she realized that she was the one getting married, and she agreed to married the woman’s son. Her new husband made her swear an oath that she would not talk to another man.

The lady seemed happy enough, but that oath came back to haunt her. She went into a shop one day, and the shopkeeper said he would sell the products to her for a kiss. Her lady’s maid assured her that it could just be on the cheek and no harm would be done. However, when the lady lifted her veil, instead of kissing her cheek, he took an actual bite out of it.

The lady was not able to keep this from her husband, and when he found out what happened, he flogged her. She left him so he would not kill her for breaking her vow, and she joined her sisters at the house until the caliph demanded to know her story and then married her to the same man who flogged her in the first place, his son.