The Third Voyage of Sindbad

Notable Characters

  • Sindbad
  • The captain
  • The other merchants
  • The giant
  • The female giant
  • The serpent
  • The captain and crew from the second voyage

Plot Summary

Sindbad forgot the horrors of his previous two journeys and went on another one. This time, the ship sailed to a dangerous place where apes attacked them, and then they became stranded on a island where a giant creature comes out at night and chooses one of them to eat.

After a few days of this, the remaining merchants build a raft to escape and try to kill the giant before they go. A female giant appears and kills most of the men, leaving Sindbad and only one or two others. They arrived on a different island where the only other man was eaten by a serpent.

To save himself, Sindbad attached a wooden cage to himself so the serpent wouldn’t be able to eat him. Once he survived the serpent, he waved down a ship and joined them. The crew turned out to be the same one he traveled with on his second voyage, and they thought he had drowned when they accidentally left him behind on that island.

He claimed to be Sindbad the Sailor, but they didn’t believe him until he told them stories that only he would know, and one of the other merchants was with the group of merchants who helped Sindbad after he made it out of the valley of the diamonds, so he remembered him.

Sindbad reclaimed and sold his old goods and returned home, where he lived well and forgot all about the hardships of his third voyage.